Style # D24300
Evening sling in smooth satin with beautifully concealed NIKE AIR cushioning. Petite buckle for fit. Fully padded leather-wrapped sock lining. Softly buffed leather sole. 3 3/4" satin-covered heel with slender platform.
Did you catch that? Cole Haan makes dress shoes with Nike Air cushioning. Like the same cushioning I have in my running sneakers. When Cole Haan and Nike throw in the iPod/Nike+ feature for their "Sari Air Sling" (making it possible for me to link my shoes to my iPod to track run distance and pace) you can be sure that the pamster is going to trade in her dull Nike Air Max sneakers for this high-fashioned sling.
For $150 you can also have the matching pleated wrap and another $325 will get you the small triangle tote from their "vintage collection" (though neither boasts the Nike Air technology that makes the "Sari Air Sling" so enticing).
Labels: running