I have been owned. It started on my Facebook page. Dave (of “Dave and Deborah”) owned me for a buck. I downloaded the application to learn more about it and before I knew it someone else (not Dave, not anyone I know) owned me. It was somewhat unsettling at first. Then someone else bought me from owner #2. Now it has been three days and three separate men I have never met have been fighting over me. Once I got over the initial discomfort of being bought up, I began to feel somewhat flattered. With each purchase my price goes slightly up and with it my ego. Every day I get e-mails notifying me that I have been purchased by one of my three suitors. I’d like to stop this perverse commodification of pam, but some part of me (the ragingly insecure part) kind of likes it. So here I am frightfully honest, but valued in the thousands (and going up daily).
Yours truly (or could be “yours” if you act fast),
The Pamster on the Wheel
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